Saturday, May 3, 2014

Emporia Bucket List

With two weeks until graduation, I've realized I have a limited time left to finish off the things on my Emporia Bucket List. It's crazy all the things I've accomplished and experienced here in Emporia these last four years and I can't believe my time here is coming to an end shortly.

So here is what is remaining on my list. If anyone has a way to/wants to help me check some of these things off that would be fabulous.

•Have a meal in Skyline
•Pet and/or feed a campus squirrel
•Go to every Fraternity (I've been to Sig Tau, Sig Ep, and Sig Pi)
•Go to Chi Omega
•Eat at Radius
•Eat at J's Carryout
•Eat at Las Brisas

Hopefully I can knock these last few items off and maybe have a few more accomplishments here in Emporia. I will definitely miss everything about Emporia and have been so blessed with my time here.

Until next time,
The Chronicles of Kirsten Continues.